Hello! This is my very first blog page!
Every two weeks there will be more topics, and more fun stuff. I hope you like this!
This summer blog is for kids all over the world who are going through the Covid-19 quarantine. I'll give you suggestions for things to do and for how to cope with feelings, but mostly I'll just assure you that it's going to be okay and that these times will end eventually... even if it seems like it's gonna be forever right now. 😫 Every two weeks there will be a new page entitled "weeks of ___". I will do this blog until the first week of September 2020.
Keep yourself updated!
things to do when you're bored (which is always...)
Start Journaling
Okay, it might seem a bit boring to just write in a real paper journal every day, but trust me. When this is all over and you look back on what you wrote, you'll be like, "man, I'm so glad I kept this".
Read some good books
You can get really, really lost in books. And not the "uh-oh I'm lost in H&M" type of lost, but the "wow, this is amazing" type of lost.
Go outside
I know, I know, your parental unit/s are probably telling you "go outside!" or "get some fresh air!" and blah blah blah, but trust me, I didn't want to go outside, and when I was forced to, it was kinda nice. Get them to take you to a forest or a park near your house or if you have a yard go explore it, you'll find things you never knew were there.
Make a mask
Okay, Coronavirus! What's better than making your own mask? Personally, I tried this with my family and it did NOT go well. We kept messing it up! But maybe yours is different?? Try it out, you could actually have a lot of fun!
Plan a soirée
Just because we're quarantined doesn't mean we can't have fun! Plan an online soirée with friends and family, dress up, and serve drinks and snacks! Tell your invitees to get dressed up and look their best! My family did this, and it was so fun!
Learn another language!
There are a bunch of language apps! One of my personal favorites is Duolingo!
Well, for starters you can give feedback on this website by clicking the Send! page or email your feedback directly to :
You can ask me questions and I will try to answer them. If you would like your question to be posted on the blog page (it can be a question about the pandemic, or personal, or anything, really) please tell me and I'll try to put it in there. If you don't, please tell me and I can just give you an answer directly.
Please know that any inappropriate questions will be ignored.
Also, you can email me drawings that you made that are related to the pandemic or Covid-19 and with your permission I might even post them!
Thank you for supporting this blog!
Me. Hmmm...
My name is Zia, I am eleven years old and AM SO BORED in quarantine. To help other kids with that boredom, I created this blog!
see more drawings at ziadessine.com
Here's a book that I really like, go check it out!
Common Sense Media says:
"In the mood for monsters and mythological heroes? Look no further than Rick Riordan's fun, fast-paced Percy Jackson series, which follows the adventures of young demigod (half mortal, half Greek god) Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover. And the story continues in the thrilling Heroes of Olympus spin-off series."